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Francis Burns
Francis is a full-time professional Dutch-trained cattle foot trimmer. He successfully completed a Dutch Foot Trimming Diploma in 2009, followed by ‘Train the Trainer’ FETAC level 6 in 2014.
See about us for more information about the background of his business, Eko Hoofcare.
As one of the founding members of the Irish Cattle Foot Trimmers Association (ICFTA) in 2012, he has a very close connection with the latest hoof trimming research and development in the industry, keeping abreast with current standards and best practice.
Francis also plays a key role in hoof trimming in the UK as representative for Northern Ireland for the National Association of Cattle Foot Trimmers (NACFT)
Francis is widely recognised at National Events and agricultural shows such as the National Dairy Show, and the Ulster Winter Fair, where he is known to deliver live hoof trimming demonstrations and informative discussions regarding animal lameness prevention and treatment.

Gerard Phibbs
Gerard Phibbs is the son of a dairy farmer. He started trimming cows on his father’s farm in 1983 before going to Warrenstown College in 1985/86.
Over his career Gerard has received numerous awards of excellence in the dairy industry namely dairy man of the year.
Gerard is also heavily involved in all aspects of Irish Foot Trimming as one of the founding members of the Irish Cattle Foot Trimmers Association (ICFTA)
In 1986 Gerard started work as a farm apprentice before qualifying as a farm manager in 1989 where he ran a 300-cow herd. To this day Gerard still trims the cows in that herd.
In 2009 Gerard qualified as a professional hoof trimmer with a Dutch Diploma and to this day serves as a foot trimmer in the Blessington/Wicklow area.
Gerard is also an active community member, coaching underage teams in his local GAA and soccer clubs.

Pieter Kloosterman
Pieter has devoted his life to cattle foot trimming with over 40 years trainer experience. Pieter is one of the few people globally with the optimum skills, experience and qualifications to deliver our professional hoof trimming course.
With Pieters relaxed approach to teaching, he never fails to make his students feel at ease and comfortable while learning their new skills.
His practical approach while in the classroom and on the farm keeps students focused on the functionality of the 5-step method.
Pieter also has strong affiliations to both NACFT and ICFTA and works closely with both organizations in delivering and exploring the latest research.